
Seasons Wellness was created to provide more resources for people to be in nature.


The research surrounding the outdoors, nature and even gardening prove to be life changing. Participants in these studies have identified positive emotions such as “happiness, gratitude, relaxation, clarity and insights, nature appreciation, challenge and capability, and companionship” (Buckley & Westaway, 2020). - Mental health rescue effects of women’s outdoor tourism: A role in COVID-19 recovery.


Many people with Behavioral Health challenges have a low supply of these positive emotions. The future of Seasons Wellness will hopefully be to provide more opportunities for outpatient behavioral healthcare. With a high demand of behavioral health treatment and low resources. Many people fall into a cycle a frequent hospitalizations. If we manage behavioral health symptoms before they are emergent with outpatient care, we will have fewer hospitalizations and healthier people. Seasons Wellness will be one of those resources for people to have affordable and accessible healthcare. 


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